FM 7-22

The FM 7-22 (pronounced “F-Mo” in official parlance) is the print portion of Army physical readiness training. It is the first of its kind, a fitness program that has a definite goal, a clear mission statement, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. A hefty budget, as well as a talented cadre of trainers, is a prerequisite to achieving the goals set forth in FM 7-22.

Moreover, there is a lot more to fitness than meets the eye. FM 7-22 is a must for anyone involved in physical training. And, as the Army continues its march towards an ever-increasing peak physical fitness level, it is imperative that the best and brightest be in the know. Thankfully, there are numerous resources available to those in need.

Holistic health and fitness is an emerging Army initiative to improve Soldier performance readiness. The holistic approach addresses fitness’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. It emphasizes the importance of individual Soldiers in creating an edge.

Holistic health and fitness (H2F) system focuses on readiness through five pillars: physical, mental, spiritual, nutritional, and cognitive. Each domain is highly co-dependent. This means that performance readiness experts will assess a Soldier’s physical and mental status before designing programs to meet their needs.

Physical readiness refers to a soldier’s ability to effectively meet physical demands. Physical readiness is acquired through a progressive and comprehensive physical training program. As a result, it is the cornerstone of Army readiness. FM 7-22 (Chapter 7), also known as the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) System, establishes a new physical readiness training doctrine.

In addition to the H2F system, the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the new official physical fitness test. FM 7-22 also incorporates running skill training through the Pose Method, a running skill training program.

Holistic Health and Fitness

Holistic Health and Fitness

The Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) initiative is a revolutionary approach to Soldier readiness. It provides guidance for unit-level leadership and identifies underlying causes of readiness issues. Through programs and services, H2F empowers Soldiers to take care of themselves, thus reducing medically incapacity and generating lethal Soldiers. It also bridges the gaps between traditionally separate realms. For more information, review the H2F Operating Concept brief.

While Holistic Health and Fitness is an Army initiative, it can be utilized in civilian fitness centers. Services include athletic training, early medical intervention, forward musculoskeletal care, and fitness centers. If you are interested in learning more about the program, contact your local BDE, BN, or CO. Additionally, you can find training videos and other resources online. Depending on your unit’s requirements, you may have access to the H2F system through your fitness center or BDE/BN/CO. Lastly, you may want to consider hiring an athlete management professional to manage your fitness and readiness efforts.

A comprehensive, holistic health and fitness program will help to build your Soldier’s peak performance.

The Army recently released a full revision of its physical readiness training doctrine, known as Field Manual 7-22: Holistic Health and Fitness (FM 7-22). This is a must-read book for every army leader. It incorporates three types of training in a holistic approach, the best of both worlds.

FM 7-22 includes some of the most exciting new concepts in the field of fitness. These include a new way of measuring the APFT, an updated standard matrix, and a revamped approach to the old favorites, such as C-METL and WTBD. Readiness is one of the top priorities in the Army. To help ensure Soldier readiness, every unit needs to take a serious look at their training programs.

The FM 7-22 Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) is a holistic program that incorporates evidence-based knowledge about nutrition, exercise, sleep, and other best practices. For example, the H2F’s health and wellness strategy is built on three main areas of improvement: strength, endurance, and mental acuity. The Army can deliver a more individualized and effective training program with these components.

There are plenty of books and articles out there about physical readiness, but none of them are as comprehensive as the FM 7-22. FM 7-22 is an interesting read if you aren’t in the Army or aren’t involved in fitness. You can download it as a PDF or check it out at your local library. The H2F has revolutionized how the Army approaches training. While the APFT remains a major focus, other key components, such as C-METL and WTBD, must be addressed as well. In addition to the standard Army workout routines, the H2F approach entails a number of innovative yet cost-effective new programs to improve soldiers’ quality of life and combat readiness. Using the latest in scientific research and medical advances, the Army’s new approach has a definite advantage over the competition.

The FM 7-22 Holistic Health & Fitness is the market’s newest and most comprehensive Army physical readiness training manual. If you’re not in the military or aren’t involved in fitness, this book may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

The Army released a complete revision of its physical readiness training doctrine, FM 7-22. In addition to providing updated guidelines for physical fitness training, the new manual represents a significant shift in mentality toward physical fitness. Specifically, the Army wants to develop mental toughness among its Soldiers. Hence, FM 7-22 provides testing that will help develop peak performance in all Soldiers.

As such, FM 7-22 is a must-read for any leader or trainer in the Army. Those not currently in the Army are also well served by this manual. It presents individualized and holistic health and fitness training and emphasizes the importance of bioenergetics, strength, and power. Additionally, FM 7-22 covers supplements and sleep. There is even a chapter on endurance. Whether you are an active Army member or not, this manual is a great workout guide.

As the headline of the FM 7-22 Holistic Health and Fitness manual suggests, it has a healthy dose of humor. Social media users reacted with glee to the publication of the new manual. Especially for those in leadership positions, FM 7-22 is a great workout guide. Its concise, clear language makes it easy to get the most out of it. Also, you can find a brief overview of the H2F Operating Concept here. This new manual represents a major shift in Army training doctrine, so it is important to read and understand it. If you are interested in learning more about the new guidelines, you can download the PDF version or purchase the manual from the Army’s online bookstore.