AR 710-2

The army is publishing a new version of the AR 710 series. The new version has been called the army pubs AR 710-2 and features a few changes. These include a lower stock height and increased length.

USAREUR Regulation 750-10 and the Army in Europe Publishing System (AEPUBS) provide forms and procedures for managing Army non-tactical vehicles. These regulations apply to units that operate, lease, or own NTVs. In addition, they apply to garrisons and organizations in Europe. This includes those that serve as mission-oriented military facilities.

IMCOM-Europe garrisons and organizations in Europe are required to follow these regulations. They must also develop capitalization plans for additional authorizations. As a result, they will need to coordinate with the servicing IFMS fleet center. All mass transit systems must be evaluated and approved by the commander. The garrison must also identify the types of vehicles in the Army’s best interest. When a vehicle is to be converted or transferred to another organization, it must be authorized by the Transportation Branch of the IMCOM-Europe.

Vehicles that have been previously registered to a host nation may not be changed to U.S. Army registration numbers. For this reason, IFMS vehicles cannot be covered plates or be assigned a host-nation plate. Registrations will be assigned and accounted for according to AR 710-2. A request for additional IFMS vehicles must be made under the procedures in paragraph 2-3. Any additional vehicles will be accounted for under the same procedure.

Tenant unit commanders are responsible for ensuring that all mass transit systems are operated in the Army’s best interest. These requirements include developing guidance for interviewing candidates for driver positions, maintaining quarterly utilization data, and reporting excess assets.



DA Pam 710-2-2, the Department of the Army Pamphlet on Property Book Offices, provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and procedures to manage the day-to-day business of this important office. It contains the required regulatory guidelines for property book offices and related services. The Pamphlet is the brainchild of the Department of the Army’s Property Management Division, which is charged with advising the Secretary of Defense on policy and procedures regarding the operation and management of the property book offices.

DA Pam 710-2-2 is a must-read for anyone in the property book office. Although the Pamphlet is primarily aimed at administrative personnel, it is also valuable to other users, including those supporting the property book office, such as the property management triumvirate.

Supply-side policies are interventions that are designed to boost productivity and aggregate supply in the economy. These can be free-market or interventionist in nature. However, they often involve significant public expenditure. They tend to be effective in the long run. If applied effectively, they can be beneficial to the entire economy.

Free market supply-side policies include trade liberalization, privatisation, and deregulation. Interventionist policies are those that require governmental intervention in order to make the changes necessary to the economy. These types of policies can create a tremendous burden on the government budget, especially during periods of recession. The key is to find a balance between the two.

For example, one interventionist approach is to use the government’s purchasing power to create more jobs. Another method involves decreasing income tax. By cutting taxes, a country can increase the production of goods and services. In turn, this increases the total output of the economy. This is also important in reducing inflationary pressure. As a result, more dollars will be circulated, which in turn will generate more purchases by consumers. Ultimately, the restored balance will lead to a stable price level over time.

Although supply-side policies may take a while to work, they are generally effective. In the short term, they can create a number of incentives for firms to produce more. After a while, they can be expected to shift the LRAS curve to the right and boost the economy.