The United States Army has a number of army publications that it distributes to its soldiers. These include technical manuals, pamphlets, and Army regulations. These are all intended to provide information about how to use specific equipment or how to do certain jobs, while Army regulations lay out basic rules for soldiers. In addition to these, the Army also publishes field manuals. These are how-to books written at a sixth-grade level and broken down into chapters. They usually include charts, tables, and hand-drawn illustrations. Some have appendices of examples or real-life vignettes, as well.
The Army’s keystone manual for planning operations, FM 5-0, provides a common understanding of the fundamentals of planning and promotes doctrinal sources for problem-solving, the military decision-making process (MDMP), troop leading procedures (TLP), assessment planning, and formats for Army plans and orders. The addition of design methodology, a methodology that enables commanders to view a situation more holistically and develop an operational approach to solve problems during the conduct of full spectrum operations, is unique.
What is FM 5-0?
FM 5-0 (The Operations Process), which was approved by the Training and Doctrine Command in March 2010, is the Army’s guide to planning, preparing, and executing full-spectrum operational missions. It outlines the Army’s view of the operational environment and how commanders, their staffs, and subordinates exercise mission command to achieve tactically and strategically superior results. FM 5-0 is a must-read for anyone who wants to be a successful leader in the 21st century.
Several Army publications have been around for decades, but FM 5-0 is the first to incorporate design into its mix. It is a good example of the Army’s dedication to making its personnel smarter, safer, and more effective in the fight. The most exciting part is that the design of this manual has been implemented across the organization, so Soldiers at all echelons can benefit from it. A little time and effort will help make your unit the best it can be! Check out the links below for more information on this important and much-needed field manual. The military is not without its problems, but the innovations and technologies that the Army has put into place will help to keep us on the right track.
Army pub FM 5-0 is the keystone manual for planning operations in the United States Military. It is the Army’s doctrinal source for problem-solving, the military decision-making process (MDMP), troop-leading procedures (TLP), and formats for plans and orders. Its principal audience includes Army commanders, leaders, and unit staffs (including officers, noncommissioned officers, and Soldiers). The operations process constitutes the Army’s view of how soldiers conduct unified land operations to shape operational environments, prevent conflict, consolidate gains, and contribute to winning the Nation’s wars. It describes how command and control–the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander–is fundamental to all operations.
It also describes how design assists commanders with understanding complex problems and developing an operational approach to solve or manage those problems throughout the conduct of operations. It also emphasizes the importance of designing and applying violence in a manner that is proportional to the specific context, and that takes into account human rights. The introduction of design, or “design thinking,” into the Army’s planning methodology is a noteworthy development. As General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, notes in the foreword to FM 5-0, it highlights the need for a deeper understanding of complex problems before attempting to solve them. As a result, it is an important tool for the Army’s mission to serve the American people. This endorsement of design is both a practical and moral act because it allows the Army to apply its resources wisely in order to serve the interests of the American people.
Other related Army publications
One of the most popular Army field manuals is FM 7-8, which covers basic tactics and operations for small infantry units. This manual was used by all platoons and would be kept by the platoon leader. Another useful military publication is FM 21-76, which covers several topics related to survival in the wilderness. Topics include navigation, edible plants and foraging, fishing, improvised tools and clothing, fire starting and cooking, shelter, stalking and tracking, staying healthy, hazards, and pests.
These are all important skills for any soldier to know. They’re important not only for surviving in the military but also for living outdoors and camping in harsh environments. Throughout the United States, there are many areas of natural beauty and rugged terrain. It’s always important to prepare for such situations by acquiring a good supply of food, water, and medical supplies. The Army has published numerous field manuals on a variety of topics, including medicine, hygiene and sanitation, military training, weapons and equipment, and organizational structure. Some are available online, and some are in the Library of Congress collections.
Most Army technical manuals are published in the form of a book, although some are pamphlets and others are technical sheets. These are often placed near the equipment that they’re meant to explain how to operate. Some of these publications were published in the 1940s and 1950s, while some are more recent. Some of them are in the Army’s catalog of records, which can be searched by title or author. Some are listed in the Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports (BSIR), which lists reports that are distributed by the federal government.