DA Form 2166

You may want to know how to fill out a DA Form 2166. This is a document that you may be able to use to get support for your NCO evaluation report.

If you are a noncommissioned United States Armed Forces officer, you must fill out a DA Form 2166. This form is used for record-keeping, counseling, and NCOER rating purposes. The form is also referred to as a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report.

DA Form 2166 is divided into five sections. Part I covers the most basic personal information. It includes information such as full name, address, social security number, and current station. Also, there are several obligatory fields for you to fill out.

Aside from the name, the DA Form 2166 has been designed to ensure that the evaluator does the bulk of the work. Another feature of the form is its ability to be printed and opened in the Cloud. You can even send the form to another person via email.

DA Form 2166 is just one of many forms and tools that raters have access to. In addition to the DA Form 2166, raters can also use the Evaluation Entry System (EES) and EES Mobile. These are tools that can improve the rater’s job performance. Likewise, DA Form 2166-9 series is a handy tool for analyzing the performance of rated soldiers. There are also five other rank-specific performance assessment reports.

The DA Form 2166 is the official NCOER support form of the United States Department of Army. This form is used to provide information to the NCOER when he or she is not in the office. Since the DA Form 2166 is small, it can be downloaded, emailed, or sent to a gadget. Moreover, it is also a useful tool for recording the results of performance counseling sessions.

As of late, the DA Form 2166 has been revamped. A new version has been developed to make the most out of the NCOER program. This form is a must-have for any DA Officer. Not only does it have the aforementioned main section, but it also has a part for concurring with other raters. To be sure, the DA Form 2166 has been proven to be one of the most efficient and effective programs in the military.

How to fill out DA Form 2166?

How to fill out DA Form 2166

A Noncommissioned officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) is a document that evaluators use to record the results of performance counseling sessions. It is one of several tools available to rating officials.

The form also records the performance of rated non-commissioned officers in the Armed Forces. It is the official form for the Department of the Army’s NCOER program.

The form contains a variety of data that is important to the evaluation process. For example, it will provide information on the evaluator and the rated NCO. Additionally, it will include the senior rater’s comments. This helps the evaluator to assess the overall performance of the rated NCO.

The form is divided into five parts. Each part contains a different function. Part I consists of a personal profile containing essential information about the evaluator.

Part ii contains a duty description. This describes the tasks and objectives of the rated NCO. As the evaluator, the rater must fill in the appropriate boxes. They must also include the height and weight measurements.

Part iii contains administrative information. The evaluator must enter their Social Security number and the full address of their current station. They can also use a Defense Department identification number depending on their status.

Part iv includes a rating description. This information enables the evaluator to provide accurate information to the rating chain. Also, the senior rater can confirm that the rated NCO is in accordance with US Army ideals.

The form will also include information on a senior rater’s performance counseling. This is useful to determine whether the evaluator’s assessment of the rated NCO is correct. Usually, the evaluator must receive counseling from the senior rater. DA Form 2166 is an important tool for raters to evaluate a rated NCO’s performance.

DA Form 2166 can be accessed through the Cloud. With the help of signNow, users can create electronic signatures and edit and print their completed forms. SignNow also allows them to import and share documents. In addition, they can create new fillable fields and add icons, photos, and text. If they have questions, they can also contact the signNow support group.

If you are looking for an official and formal way to document your NCO evaluation, look no further than the DA Form 2166-9-1A. This form records the NCO’s performance and describes what he or she does right. It also helps to identify qualified candidates for promotions and retention in grade. In addition to this, it also serves to inform the rating chain about your performance.

The DA Form 2166-9-1A is actually a series of four parts. Each part of the form relates to a particular task. For instance, the first part consists of the NCO’s duty description.

While the second part is the NCO’s self-assessment. On the other hand, the third part is the rater’s. To put it in simple terms, the first part explains the purpose of the form, while the second is the “obvious” that a rater must fill out.

The DA Form 2166-9-1A has to be delivered through the chain of command. Since the form is a requirement of the Department of Defense, it is important to be sure that it arrives on time. Moreover, it must be completed by the NCO being evaluated.

The DA Form 2166-9-1A can be downloaded in a digital format. However, it is advised to print it out for easy reference. Also, if possible, the form should be kept in your NCO records.

As a matter of fact, there is a much more comprehensive and elaborate version of the DA Form 2166-9-1A that is currently being used by the United States Army. These are provided by the Army Publication Directorate. You can find them by clicking on the link below.

Lastly, the DA Form 2166-9-1A’s “mood” can be summed up in one word: confetti! Besides, the form is well protected so you can rest assured that it will not be subject to damage or theft. Fortunately, you can download the latest version of the form by clicking the link below. Take advantage of this service to ensure that you are providing your superiors with all the required documents. Moreover, if you want to save money, you can sign up for a free account and enjoy access to all the tools and features.

The NCO Evaluation Report Support Form (DA Form 2166) is a form used by the Department of the Army for recording non-commissioned officer evaluations. The purpose of this form is to evaluate the performance of noncommissioned officers in the army.

This form is part of a series of forms that are used to record and monitor the performance of non-commissioned officers. It contains information about the rated soldier’s job, training, and other personal information.

To begin the evaluation, a rater obtains the rated NCO’s initials on the form. He then records the key points of the counseling session. A senior rater then reviews the rated soldier’s initials to determine whether they meet the evaluation standards. If the rater notices any issues, he can correct them.

During the counseling, a counselor must first establish a clear description of the duties of the rated NCO. The description must include the number of people supervised, the amount of equipment and facilities, and the dollar value of the tasks to be completed.

After the counselor has outlined the duties, he must discuss the major performance objectives. Each major objective should have a specific target completion date and the desired result. Also, developmental tasks should specify a timeframe and the results to be achieved.

The rating official then records the results of the counseling session on the DA Form 2166-8. Throughout the counseling process, the rater is supposed to observe the rated soldier’s conduct and discuss the positive and negative actions. Lastly, he or she must concur with any other raters who may comment.

The evaluation report is an important tool to help the army assess the potential of its noncommissioned officers. The evaluation report also demonstrates the ways in which an individual is developing as a leader. The report can be requested by the higher commandant or by the next higher CDR.

The NCO Evaluation Report is one of the many forms that the Department of the Army uses. The form is not meant to be attempted at home. However, if you are looking to improve your professional development, you should consider taking the DA Series.