FM 1 Army is the Army’s approved human resources (H.R.) support doctrine manual. This army publication applies to all Army Soldiers and civilians who provide H.R. support for various military operations. This publication helps Soldiers and their leaders understand the Army’s operational concept, H.R. support fundamentals, and professional values.
FM 1 is a nod to all Army employees and their loved ones who deserve credit for keeping our nation safe, secure, and untouched. It also is a slam dunk for all of us to learn about our partners’ many and varied capabilities in crime, aka our civilian brethren. It is a requisite for the Army to continue its tradition of providing a high-quality, well-rounded, and responsive workforce for the long haul.
What is FM 1 Army?
FM 1 Army is the most comprehensive reference manual for information operations in the U.S. military. It was developed in 1941 for the Louisiana maneuvers and later guided American soldiers through combat in places as diverse as New Guinea and Tunisia.
Since World War II, field manuals (F.M.s) and technical manuals (T.M.s) have been a staple in the U.S. military. They are typically how-to books for soldiers, with hand-drawn illustrations and step-by-step instructions for specific tasks.
A typical field manual is numbered with one- or two digits, such as FM 9-50 for bandaging and splinting or TM 9-1276 for the Thompson submachine gun.45-caliber M1. The first number indicates the subject classification, while the second refers to the manual itself.
Often, F.M.s are kept near the equipment for which they provide instructions. For example, if you have an M1 carbine, you might want to keep a copy of TM 9-1276 nearby, which provides detailed instructions on stripping and field repairs.
During the 1940s, the Library of Congress received hundreds of Army technical manuals into its general collections from various War Department and Department of the Army branches, primarily through the BSIR program. These were categorized as field manuals; most were cataloged under the single Library of Congress classification U408.3.A13.
Army Field Manual 1
During World War II, the Department of the Army published many publications to help troops learn about their duties and the equipment they needed. They were divided into administrative, doctrinal training and organizational, and technical and equipment publications. The Army Field Manual 1 is a series of manuals covering various Army topics. This includes everything from military and cavalry drill to historic U.S. military equipment, such as guns and batteries.
There are several kinds of publications that the Army distributes to its soldiers: regulations (A.R.), special regulations (S.R.), pamphlets, and technical manuals (T.M.). A.R.s and S.R.s outline the basic rules the Army wants you to follow. They are generally short and a good place to start if you have questions about a particular topic. T.M.s, on the other hand, are a lot like owner’s manuals–they cover what you need to know about a piece of equipment or how it works.
Some of these books are even useful in the field, especially F.M.s 7-8, which are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and are used by platoon leaders to teach the rest of their men how to perform basic tactics. They’re also handy if you’re ever in a pinch since they are bound together at the top with staples.