FM 21-11 – First Aid for Soldiers

During the 1940s, Army Technical Manuals were published and distributed to members of the U.S. Army. The Library of Congress received these manuals into its general collections as field manuals (FM) under the single Library of Congress classification “U408.3.A13.” This inventory focuses on those War Department and Department of the Army technical manuals that were primarily received into the general collections from the 1940s to the 1970s.

First Aid for Soldiers, FM 21-11, is a training manual to teach service members what they should do when they have to give first aid themselves (self-aid) or to their fellow soldiers who are suffering from an injury or sickness when medical personnel are not immediately available. By learning the right procedures for giving first aid, soldiers can save a life or relieve another person’s suffering. They can also prevent permanent disability or long periods of hospitalization by knowing when to seek medical help. The procedures discussed in this manual apply to all types of injuries and illnesses, both in the field and in civilian life. They include measures to stop bleeding, control shock, relieve pain and prevent infection. They also include the use of certain supplies, which can be found in a variety of first-aid kits and packets. These supplies are described in detail in the following sections.

First Aid for Soldiers in the U.S. Army

First aid is one of the skills that every soldier needs to learn. It is also one of the most important since it can save lives, reduce suffering, and increase your chances of survival. When a soldier is involved in an incident requiring first aid, the first thing he should do is evaluate the situation and determine what the best course of action will be. If the casualty is unconscious, he should do this as quickly and accurately as possible. Once a proper evaluation has been completed, the next step is to use the best available medical technology and equipment to treat the injured person. The most effective first aid includes stopping bleeding, overcoming shock, relieving pain, and preventing infection. A properly performed first aid procedure will also help to speed healing. This may be especially true if the wound is severe or has a chance of causing serious complications in the future. Among the most common injuries suffered by soldiers are fractures, burns, and cuts. The most efficient and effective way to handle these situations is by giving proper first aid immediately after they occur. The most successful first aid is usually performed by someone else, not by the injured person. In this regard, the best choice for a first aider is a trained medic or medical department personnel who is capable of applying lifesaving techniques without delay.

In addition to these, soldiers are issued equipment and supplies for giving the appropriate first aid. These include various types of gauze, dressings, antiseptics, abrasives, and more. The best place to find these is in the first-aid kits and packets that are issued to every unit. First aid is the immediate emergency care given to an injured or ill person before medical personnel arrives. This type of aid can save a life, prevent further injury or disability, or reduce long hospital stays. It is important for nonmedical service members to be able to give first aid in order to avoid the risk of putting themselves or other people in danger. This manual explains procedures that nonmedical service members can perform to help injured or sick persons. It also describes how to perform basic first aid measures such as controlling bleeding, overcoming shock, and relieving pain. It also provides guidelines on how to use first aid supplies that can be obtained from a variety of sources.

FM 21-11 on First Aid

FM 21-11 on First Aid

FM 21-11 is a detailed guide to emergency first aid for soldiers. It includes information about the most common types of wounds and injuries that occur in battle. It outlines procedures to stop bleeding, relieve pain, overcome the shock, and prevent infection. It also explains how to use first aid supplies such as adhesive compresses, suction kits, and iodine swabs. The manual is soft-bound with a coil binding and color covers for weather protection. It is small enough to be carried in a briefcase or backpack but large enough to be useful as a reference.

It contains 242 pages. This manual is an excellent resource for preppers and survivors alike. It is a good resource for anyone who has ever had to deal with an injury or illness in the military. When evaluating an unconscious or injured soldier, be sure to look for the signs that indicate a serious injury or condition, such as loss of consciousness, slurred speech, breathing difficulties, or a lack of coordination. Be especially alert for signs of severe injuries, such as a broken back or neck. Depending on the location and the circumstances, removing the protective clothing from an unconscious or injured service member may be necessary to examine him. Do not drag clothing over the injured person’s body; carefully lift it off.